Good news girls and boys: school is back in session. On Saturday, June 27, from 7-11 pm at North Park's Point of Departure (3712 30th St) the good folks that brought you the first Homework Show will be presenting the results of their second assignment. This Homework Show will be a massive zine swap, featuring a large variety of artists and designers from San Diego and beyond.

For those who haven't studied up already, here's a quick wiki-cheat-sheet: a zine is an "inexpensively produced, self-published, underground publication usually reproduced via photocopier on a variety of colored paper stock". Some zines are sold, and some are given away for free.

In this case, all zines will be free (with a relatively refreshing catch)--the zines in this show will be displayed, then followed by a period where artists can trade each of their zines for another artist's zine. Similar to swapping baseball cards, the aim is to make a fun (and most importantly, free) event where artists can gain exposure, meet with each other (in person!), and be inspired by a barter economy. After the bartering there will be music (including the DJ stylings of Lucha and Triceratron's JohnZ) as well as the usual jolly-good social hour (or two, etc).

Don't have a zine to trade? Don't sweat it. All attendees are welcome to trade something for an artist's zine they'd like to have--something intangible, like praise, or something tangible, like a service, object, clever treasure, etc. Artists may also give their zines away for no trade if they wish.

Most importantly, however, Homework Show founders Steph Walker and Juliana Miloseski urge everyone "to interact in a meaningful way. Get to know each other. No one has any money these days, so friends and collectives are a few of our most important resources."
For more information, be sure to check out